long accustomed

美 [lɔːŋ əˈkʌstəmd]英 [lɒŋ əˈkʌstəmd]
  • 早已习惯的
long accustomedlong accustomed
  1. Even if they are willing to make the sacrifice in dollars , whether Americans will give up long accustomed personal liberties is another question .


  2. Every passion is more easily subdued before it has been long accustomed to possession of the heart . ( No.185 )


  3. He arrested and commanded her , by the magic of a mind long accustomed to awe and to subdue .


  4. Long accustomed to currency crises , Argentines price homes and cars in dollars , and race into greenbacks at the first sign of economic trouble .


  5. Long accustomed to choosing and supervising its members to run state enterprises , the party in Wenzhou is at the sharp end of a new challenge to penetrate the private sector .


  6. I have been too long accustomed to hear imputations and calumnies thrown out upon great and honorable characters , to be much influenced by them .


  7. A growing number of scientists are warning that wide-scale deforestation - about 20 percent of the Amazon forest is gone already and nearly that much is degraded - may already be directing precipitation away from places long accustomed to it .


  8. To these impulses must be added the complete ascendancy which his friend HAD long been accustomed to exercise over him .


  9. I have long been accustomed to do what must be strong , but one day two years ago , I have put my life tears to flow , to stay dry !


  10. At the same time , have long been accustomed to government investment , the state funding continuing education has become increasingly unsuited to the needs of social development fund bottleneck problem has always been one of the key issues plagued the development of continuing education .


  11. Promising Chinese and Indian companies have long been accustomed to foreign investment bankers knocking on their doors , but over the past two years they have started to receive another type of visitor overseas stock exchanges wanting to host their initial public offerings .


  12. However , most of the airlines have long been accustomed to conventional training models and methods , i.e. providing a repeated fixed training program on a duplicate schedule for pilots with different technical skill levels . Individual differences or diversities are not taken into account during the training .


  13. Long use has accustomed me to it .


  14. It will not take you very long to be accustomed to the way we do it .


  15. It did not take long to become accustomed to this new way of life and adjust to the changes we had encountered .


  16. I didn 't know what to make of it at first , but before long I became accustomed to hearing it many times a day .


  17. When people who know each other well work together too long , they become accustomed to hearing each other speak , slow to react to things and careless in analysing problems .


  18. Moreover , Beijing 's winter is far too much colder than that of Guangzhou , it might take Joey , as many other people came from the South , a very long time to get accustomed to .
